Do you write?
And with writing I mean any form of writing - from novels to poetry to journal entries.
I love to write, and yet I barely write.
I already started writing and reading on a very young age, I always used these little notebooks to write my stories in. It was always dramatic - I never liked writing romantic stories. And still don't like to write or read cliché romantic stories.
I only managed to finish one of my stories, only one time in my entire life.
I was ill, at home, I was about twelve years old. I was feeling bored. At that time I didn't have a smartphone nor internet yet, so I had to think of something that was more creative than that.
In two old notebooks I started to write a story about a girl who lost her mother to an illness, and the entire story is about the mourning process.
A year later I decided to send it to this simple children's publisher and they printed it. It's still for sale in their online shop
here, but I never really told anyone about this during my later teenage years because it's kind of not-so-professional. It's just a little embarassing because well, I was twelve you know.
I also have a journal. The journal you can see in the pictures. I got this one in 2016, and it's not even completed for fifty percent which is dissapointing.
In some way, the older I become the less free I am with writing. Which is sad I think. When I was younger, maybe nine years old, I used to keep a diary very regularly. I wrote simple stuff in there - how school went, what we would have for dinner and which classmate was bothering me.
It was simple but less is more, right?
And now I'm suffering of this diary-and-novel-writers block for ages already. Because yes, it is still a dream of mine to write a novel someday. And no, I have no idea what it should be about. Sometimes I have small ideas but they are definitely not good or big enough to write a complete novel about.
Can someone please give me advice, how to overcome a writer's block, how to get more inspiration and how to even start writing a proper story again?
The diary writing is going alright so far. The past few weeks I have written a few journal entries, not that long or special but it's at least the small start of something I hope.
I have about three empty lovely pretty notebooks in my room somewhere and I hope to fill all of them with new memories and handwritten words someday.
So.. if there's anyone to advice me on writing a novel, I would be thankful if you could help me out.
By the way...
I will be blogging about a very exciting trip soon, that I will be making tomorrow night.
Have a lovely day,