Sunday, July 14, 2019

writing, writing, writing...

Do you write?
And with writing I mean any form of writing - from novels to poetry to journal entries.
I love to write, and yet I barely write.

I already started writing and reading on a very young age, I always used these little notebooks to write my stories in. It was always dramatic - I never liked writing romantic stories. And still don't like to write or read cliché romantic stories.
I only managed to finish one of my stories, only one time in my entire life. 
I was ill, at home, I was about twelve years old. I was feeling bored. At that time I didn't have a smartphone nor internet yet, so I had to think of something that was more creative than that. 
In two old notebooks I started to write a story about a girl who lost her mother to an illness, and the entire story is about the mourning process.
A year later I decided to send it to this simple children's publisher and they printed it. It's still for sale in their online shop here, but I never really told anyone about this during my later teenage years because it's kind of not-so-professional. It's just a little embarassing because well, I was twelve you know.

I also have a journal. The journal you can see in the pictures. I got this one in 2016, and it's not even completed for fifty percent which is dissapointing.
In some way, the older I become the less free I am with writing. Which is sad I think. When I was younger, maybe nine years old, I used to keep a diary very regularly. I wrote simple stuff in there - how school went, what we would have for dinner and which classmate was bothering me.
It was simple but less is more, right?
And now I'm suffering of this diary-and-novel-writers block for ages already. Because yes, it is still a dream of mine to write a novel someday. And no, I have no idea what it should be about. Sometimes I have small ideas but they are definitely not good or big enough to write a complete novel about.
Can someone please give me advice, how to overcome a writer's block, how to get more inspiration and how to even start writing a proper story again?

The diary writing is going alright so far. The past few weeks I have written a few journal entries, not that long or special but it's at least the small start of something I hope.
I have about three empty lovely pretty notebooks in my room somewhere and I hope to fill all of them with new memories and handwritten words someday.

So.. if there's anyone to advice me on writing a novel, I would be thankful if you could help me out.
By the way...
I will be blogging about a very exciting trip soon, that I will be making tomorrow night.

Have a lovely day,


  1. I used to write diary all my younger years and youth and started again more regularly last year and it helps me immensely to give all my thoughts a place. It's super therapeutic in my opinion and I only realized not so long ago how important it is to also read it from time to time, because we tend to forget what we have written and sometimes it even feels like a different person has written it! Often I say to myself: What!? I can not remember that I did write this or that and if I had read it earlier I would not have stepped into making the same mistakes again.

    Also I had a time when I was around 16 when I transformed the little adventures my friends and I experienced into short stories, but I never showed them to anyone but my closest friends, because I was far to shy.

    I know exactly what you mean with not being able to write as freely, as I also lost that! I try to get that feeling back with just writing diary again and not thinking too much about how it sounds, just to get the blockages away. I think if we get rid of all the waste first that blocks up our creativity, it can float freely then again somehow. So if you write down all that burdens you as freely as possible, it makes you free for all that want to come out of you as well. I hope you know what I mean, I don't quite know how to describe it!

    When I was 12 I also started to write a book, but did not write further in the end, but I remember well about what it was. It was about a girl that lost her parents and had to move to a distant relative to Australia where she moves into a huge kind of mansion with mysterious rooms and she got to know another girl there with whom she experiences all different adventures. It was also a lot about grieving and feeling lost. It's kind of similar to what you told about your story actually! Interesting!!!

    Anyway, there is a special feeling to journals filled with handwriting and personal thoughts!
    You should just let is naturally develop again and see how it goes on! <3

    1. Yes! I feel the same way, I recently read some old journal entries and I totally couldn't remember writing these. It's funny how the memory works...

      If we had the same mother language we should have tried to write a book together hihi, we have such similar style! Thank you for your always dear comments, I love to read them.

      I'm also really surprised and happy to read that you, as a twelve year old, liked to write the same kind of stories as I did. The story about the girl who lost her parents sounds like one I could have written exactly the same way on that age!

      Many hugs to you Claudia


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