Saturday, July 6, 2019

wildflower photo session

As the moments, days, weeks and months are passing by... we already arrived in July. which is already over fifty percent of this year. Seasons come and go and the time is flying by extremely fast. I don't really mind it, it makes times bearable when life is not easy and it makes exciting times come by more quickly.
In the days before and after the weekend of next week a few exciting things will happen which I will write later about.

But to stay on topic: yesterday evening it was sunny and warm and I asked my sister to drive us to a poppy field I saw earlier that day when I was mountainbiking on the farm roads.
It was very pretty there - the flowers were white, purple and pink and next to the field there was a small meadow with a horse mother and her foal.
But, for some reason the picture I wanted to take didn't turn out the way I wanted it to be, so we drove to another place even closre to our home. It was at the roadside, by an organic field and many blue wildflowers were growing there. As blue wildflowers are my favorite I got very happy to see them and asked my sister to stop the car.
I took some pictures of the most beautiful flowers in the evening sun and also one of my sister (with the pretty hat I gifted her), and she also took a few photo's of me. After that we collected a bouquet of the prettiest flowers to press in some old books.
I hope you will like them.

Have a lovely weekend,

1 comment:

  1. Very wise what you say about the time that is flying so fast nowadays! The light in these pictures is simple wonderful! How it makes the hat of you sister shine and your hair, so soft and warm as if it captures the whole summer in one moment! Don't worry if not everything turned out like you wanted it originally, I recently read that if one honors success and nonsuccess the same way, its a major step to freedom and happiness - which is surely true, but not so easy at times! I want to work on that for sure! Much love!


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